Olivera Sazos
Senior Data Scientist
My name is Olivera Sazos. I am a data scientist with background in mathematics and software engineering. Beside Batchelor in applied mathematics from university of Belgrade, Serbia, I also have Master in statistics from UNSW, with particular interest in robust statistics. I like to keep myself updated with all new developments and researches in mathematics, as well in all new technologies and methods.
My experience and interest is also in data, databases, new technologies, artificial intelligence, advanced analytics, automation; and data mining so delivering insights from data. I also have an extensive business consulting experience so to keep business objectives as a goal.
In my career I worked for different industries over different countries, from Serbia, Cyprus, to Australia, including shipping, financial industry, telecommunications and now for construction industry. I like to be out of my comfort zone and to accept challenges. Working for construction industry was one of those great challenges, where I had to learn a lot, and how to add the value with data science.
I believe in data science and new technologies approach to building design and all things construction development; and enjoy the opportunities to work on projects to modernize and transform construction industry. Through that projects my vision is to introduce data driven decisions and enrich it with data. I also believe in the digital future of architecture design as an aid, innovation and analytical initiatives