Chris Webb

Senior BIM Technician

Chris Webb is a senior BIM technician at Arup in the Brisbane office, working in the Civil Structures and Maritime teams. Prior to this, Chris worked within the Brisbane Building Structures team as the CAD leader.

Chris has 25 years’ experience with Arup in Building Structures, Civil Structures, Maritime and Geotechnical disciplines, throughout the Australasian region. Chris has been involved in many high profile projects across these disciplines utilising various 3D software packages. Some examples are the Helix Bridge in Singapore, Sydney Metro Martin Place, Queens Wharf Redevelopment in Brisbane, Brisbane International Cruise Terminal, Tasman Highway Memorial Bridge in Hobart and One One One Eagle Street in Brisbane. 

Some of the software packages Chris has used to deliver these projects are Bentley AECOsim, Autodesk Revit and Navisworks. In Civil Structures, we also link Grasshopper to Revit to create a parametric workflow, which makes for faster modelling changes, and less manual drawing revisions for our bridges. Our engineers and technicians have a good knowledge of what is involved with scripting in Grasshopper and how Revit interprets this information within our Families – making a smooth workflow that can be adjusted quickly when alignments are revised, creating minimum disruption to the model and ultimately drawings.