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The Association of Professional Builder helps residential home builders systemize their building company’s with systems that generate more leads, more contracts and higher margins while improving the client experience. 

FREE Construction Financials Training - Valued at $497!


Discover how to benchmark your building company against industry standards on a monthly basis.

When you have it, you’ll discover…

  • How to go from low margins and no retained profit in the business, to running a successful building company like the top 2%.

  • How to avoid working for wages and take control of your residential building company.

  • Understand the weaknesses in your building company by comparing these 12 KPIs against the industry benchmarks.

  • What 74% of builders are doing to hit their financial targets.

  • The #1 thing you must do BEFORE you increase revenue.

  • [Case Study] How a building company grew too quickly and failed in the hands of a top business coach because they didn’t understand these key metrics.

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