Dr. Ajibade A. Aibinu.jpg

Dr. Ajibade A. Aibinu

Senior Lecturer, Cost Management and Construction Economics
Faculty of Architecture Building and Planning
The University of Melbourne

Ajibade has extensive experience in Australia, Southeast Asia, and Africa, and he has published over 80 research articles and spoken at numerous conferences. He won the Melbourne School of Design Teaching Excellence Award in 2012. His research interest cut accross the built environment project and asset management from design, construction to operations, particularly data-driven processes to ensure value for money. In 2017, a paper co-authored and published won the Outstanding Paper Award in the  Emerald Literati Network Awards for Excellence. He is the Lead Guest Editor, Built Environment Project and Asset Management [BEPAM] journal special issue on Data analytics and big data in construction and asset management. 

Ajibade founded the Intelligent Cost Manager (ICM) Research and Development project, an AI-based cost management solution that leverages deep learning and predictive modeling to generate cost estimates with greater accuracy using historical data. His work uses a design science research approach grounded in knowledge management theory, innovation adoption theories, and human-computer interaction theories. Ajibade is currently a Member, Australian Institute of Quantity Surveyors (MAIQS) and Associate, Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (2008-2013).